#Martin Bejarano
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manixdemintaka · 4 months ago
En este programa especial intervendrán Robert Martínez, Martin Sánchez, Tito Figueroa, Francisko Javier, Josep Luque, Amaya Uribe, Tatiana Virginia, Cristina Navarro, Eva Soto, María Bejarano, Gemma Vila, Iris Carbonelli y Jorge Medium. La intervencion de ROBERT MARTINEZ a partir de 4:49:55
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Wicked | West End | May 3, 2024 | NFT Until May 17
CAST: Charlotte Anne Steen (2nd u/s Elphaba), Lucy St. Louis (Glinda), Felipe Bejarano (u/s Fiyero), Sophie-Louise Dann (Madame Morrible), Caitlin Anderson (Nessarose), Joe Thompson-Oubari (Boq), Michael Fenton Stevens (The Wizard), Graham Kent (Dr. Dillamond), Joshua Lovell (s/w Witch's Father), Taela Yeomans-Brown (s/w Witch's Mother), Natalie Spriggs (Midwife), Paddyjoe Martin (s/w Chistery), Asmara Cammock, Joshua Clemeston, Effie Rae Dyson, Aston Newman Hannington, Aimee Hodnett, Jemima Loddy (s/w Split track Jess & Kate), Rory Maguire, Millie Mayhew, Ayden Morgan, Aisha Naomi Pease, Jacob Young, Micaela Todd
NOTES: its-all-green's master. NFT Until May 17. Charlotte's debut as 2nd cover Elphaba! Felipe's debut as Fiyero! Bother were stunning! Charlotte's hat fell off towards the end of One Short Day, just before the two good friends moment. Jemima was mostly covering Jess' track and a bit of Kate's. Part of kate's track was just cut. Trakced by Soulofaman.
Tracked & Untracked
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soikeoclubnet · 3 years ago
Soi kèo, nhận định Bolivia vs Chile, 03h00 ngày 02/02/
Soi kèo, nhận định Bolivia vs Chile, 03h00 ngày 02/02/
Nhận định kết quả trận đấu giữa Bolivia vs Chile thuộc khuôn khổ vòng 16 VL World Cup khu vực Nam Mỹ. Bolivia được thi đấu trên sân nhà và họ có lợi thế cực kỳ lớn để giành 3 điểm trong khi Chile không còn cách nào khác phải nỗ lực kiếm điểm dù chỉ là 1 điểm nhỏ nhoi.
Soi kèo Bolivia vs Chile
Chile tưởng chừng sau mạch trận thắng thì họ lại để thua Ecuador 0-2 ngay trên sân nhà, tụt xuống vị trí thứ 6 trên bảng xếp hạng, bằng điểm với Colombia và kém chính Ecuador 6 điểm.
Hai trận đấu phía trước là cực kỳ khó khăn khi chạm trán Argentina cũng như phải làm khách trên sân của Bolivia.
Chile có hai trận giao hữu nhằm làm nóng máy các cầu thủ cũng như chuẩn bị tốt nhất cho lượt trận đầu năm mới này, họ hòa Mexico 2-2 và thắng El Salvador 0-1 trên sân khách.
Lối chơi khó chịu của chủ nhà được hứa hẹn sẽ làm khó đối phương, đặc biệt Sanchez đã trở lại đóng góp 4 bàn thắng và 3 đường kiến tạo, trước đó hàng công của Chile g���n như im tiếng.
Vidal vẫn luôn là thủ lĩnh giữa sân bởi lối chơi máu lửa, ghi 4 bàn cùng Aranguiz đã có 3 đường kiến tạo, chơi lùi sâu nhất là Pulgar ghi 3 bàn từ đầu vòng bảng.
Tiền đạo trẻ chơi đang rất lên chân tại Championship Brereton cũng được hy vọng tỏa sáng, cầu thủ này đá tốt tại Copa America vừa rồi và cũng đã có 2 lần lập công.
Bolivia tại vòng bảng năm nay thi đấu khá ổn, với 15 điểm họ vẫn còn nguyên mục tiêu để phấn đấu, chỉ kém đội đứng thứ 4 là Colombia có 2 điểm mà thôi.
Soi kèo Bolivia vs Chile
Đội khách tận dụng triệt để các trận đấu được đá trên sân nhà có độ cao gây khó chịu cho các cầu thủ đối phương, họ thắng 3 trận sân nhà gần nhất và các đối thủ đều cực mạnh như Uruguay hay Peru.
Đợt tập trung tháng 11 vừa qua họ thắng Uruguay 3-0 và để thua Peru với tỉ số tương tự khi thi đấu trên sân khách, rõ ràng đi xa nhà không phải là lợi thế.
Họ mới có trận đấu giao hữu cực kỳ thành công khi thắng Trinidad & Tobago 5-0 trên sân nhà, hàng công có sức mạnh và sẵn sàng tỏa sáng.
Trên hàng công Martins đang là chân sút tốt nhất với 9 bàn thắng, theo sau là Arce có 3 lần lập công. Lối chơi của Bolivia đã tốt hơn, họ đá bóng ngắn ban bật nhiều hơn thay vì chỉ biết phất bóng lên cầu may.
Arce cũng là chân chuyền tốt nhất khi đã có 4 đường chuyền thành bàn, theo sau là Bejarano và Flores cũng có 2 đường kiến tạo.
Nhận định kèo châu Á Bolivia vs Chile: Chile
Sân nhà luôn là mỏ điểm để Bolivia khai thác, họ thắng 4/5 trận đã qua và chỉ hòa 1-1 trước Colombia, sức mạnh được đánh giá đã từ rất lâu bởi độ cao sân bãi. Đội khách Chile cố gắng cải thiện thành tích sân khách khi thắng Paraguay ở vòng trước, hòa 2 trận và để thua 2 trận.
Tỉ lệ thắng của hai đội ở mức rất cân bằng 60% tính trong 10 trận đã qua.
Bolivia thắng 1 và để thua 1 trong 2 lần tiếp đón đội khách, tính rộng hơn thì họ chỉ thắng 1/10 trận và để thua 7 trận. Trận đấu này nhiều khả năng họ sẽ cố gắng kiếm về điểm số tối đa nếu có thể.
Lựa chọn Chile trận này.
Soi kèo tài xỉu Bolivia vs Chile: Chọn tài
4/5 trận sân nhà đã qua của Chile chỉ có tối đa 2 bàn thắng được ghi, hàng công của họ chưa thể bùng nổ, đạt hiệu suất chưa đến 1 bàn/trận.
4/5 trận gần nhất của Bolivia đều có 3 bàn thắng được ghi, đặc biệt trên sân nhà họ ghi đều đặn từ 2-3 bàn/trận.
8/10 trận đối đầu đã qua giữa hai đội chứng kiến có trên 3 bàn thắng được ghi, tỉ lệ tài bàn thắng trên 60%.
Lựa chọn tài bàn thắng trận này.
Dự đoán tỷ số: Bolivia 2 – 2 Chile
Nhận định Bolivia vs Chile
3/5 trận gần nhất của Bolivia trong hiệp 1 có ít nhất 2 bàn thắng được ghi.
3/5 trận gần nhất của Chile trong hiệp 1 có ít nhất 1 bàn thắng được ghi.
3/5 trận gần nhất giữa hai đội trong hiệp 1 có ít nhất 1 bàn thắng được ghi.
Hai đội hưởng rất ít tình huống phạt góc trung bình hơn 4 quả góc/trận.
Hai đội phải nhận trung bình trên 2 thẻ vàng/trận.
Đội hình xuất phát dự kiến hai đội:
Bolivia: P. Gallese, C. Ramos, L. Advíncula, M. Trauco, L. Abram, Y. Yotún, C. Cueva, A. Carrillo, R. Tapia, S. Peña, G. Lapadula.
Chile: C. Bravo, G. Medel, E. Mena, E. Roco, G. Maripán, A. Vidal, D. Valdés, C. Baeza, M. Nuñez, A. Sánchez, B. Brereton.
Nguồn: https://soikeoclub.net/soi-keo-nhan-dinh-bolivia-vs-chile-03h00-ngay-02-02-2022/
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mostlymonk · 6 years ago
Green Chimneys
Roy Haynes & Fountain of Youth
Jaleel Shaw – sax Martin Bejerano – piano David Wong – bass Roy Haynes – drums
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dneurin · 2 years ago
El desayuno (Film, short version) - Miguel Casco from Miguel Ángel Casco on Vimeo.
Largometraje / Performance / Videoarte Miguel Casco en colaboración con Hekatombe Producción Artística
Catorce personas habitan su propia piel para atestiguar el amanecer y compartir sus cuerpxs mientras el sol naciente ilumina el espacio. La interacción se suscita entre ellxs y la premisa principal es celebrar la vida, honrar la libertad y el disfrute. El Desayuno invita a abrazar la desnudez y entrar en sintonía con la naturaleza.
D I R E C C I Ó N Miguel Casco
D I R E C C I Ó N E S C É N I C A Andrea Garay
D I R E C C I Ó N C O R E O G R Á F I C A Sebastián Santamaría
D I R E C C I Ó N E J E C U T I V A Catalina Navarrete
R E P A R T O Mar Castañedo Mónica Colin Marlene Coronel Mariana Domenech Jimena González Aileen Kent Carlos Nunez José Francisco Ordóñez Luis Ortega José Ortiz Baruk Serna
V I D E O Alan Espinosa Erik Jonguitud Michel Trevilla F O T O G R A F Í A Alejandra Edwards David Flores Rubio
M Ú S I C A Sebastián Lechuga (Intro, Oscuridad, Ofrenda y Desayuno) Alejandro Preisser (Locura, Descenso, Claridad y Outro)
E D I C I Ó N D E V I D E O Miguel Casco Erik Jonguitud
D I S E Ñ O F L O R A L Alejandra Velasco
M U S I C A L I Z A C I Ó N E N V I V O Jail Less
E Q U I P O T É C N I C O Humberto C. Cáceres Heber Leonidez Elena Manero Ehécatl Moreno María Naidich Alfonso Pérez Yair Ramírez
P R O Y E C T O R E A L I Z A D O C O N E L A P O Y O D E Etna M. Arroyo, Jacobo M. Casco, Patricia Almada, Luis Antonio Garay, Elsa Hernández, Carlos Navarrete, Rocio Barajas, Carlos Santamaría, José María Macías, Andrés Castañeda, César Meza, Enrique Ajuria, Susana Tovar, Valeria Casco, Luis Antonio Casco, Heleni Castro, Óliver Victoria, Andrea Ayala, Andrea Anderson, Indira Zamora, Roberto González, Andrés Piña, Rafael Hernández, David C. Parra, Youtaek Hwang, Eduardo Palacio, Remi Cárdenas, Rogelio Toledo, Ross Romero, Isabella de la Mora, Tabaré Arroyo, Yair Ramírez, Luis Almada, Omar Cobos, Silvana Larrea, Raffaela Schiavon, Isabel Vieitez, Rebeca Zequera, Leonardo Galicia, Mark Feldmann, Francisco Saldívar, José Francisco Ordóñez, Neil Haidorfer, Bárbara Huerta, Adriana Degetau, Tere Sáenz, Chloe Estes, Fernando Almazán, Gina Guzmán, Mariano Nava, Rubén Ojeda, Diego Ortiz, Santi San Martin, Carlos Santamaría Barajas, José Funcia, Malimna Etnegorozka, Pablo P. Caro, Gabriela Chávez, Gabriel Picazo, Rubén Torres, Roberto Praxedis, Luis Pérez, Jeannette Betancourt, Elena Manero, Ma. Ceci Cuesta, Humberto Schiavon, Celeste Bejarano, Mario Montes & David Martínez.
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sanoiro · 5 years ago
Lucifer 5x07 - Our Mojo - Spoilers & Speculation
Warning! There is always the possibility that certain scenes might have been mixed up under their non-respective episodes.
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Written By: Julia Fontana
Directed By: Nathan Hope
Julia Fontana has written/co-written the episodes:
2x10 - Quid Pro Ho
2x15 - Deceptive Little Parasite
3x08 - Chloe Does Lucifer
3x16 - Infernal Guinea Pig
5x07 - Our Mojo
Cast: Tom Ellis as Lucifer, Lauren German as Chloe, DB Woodside as Amenadiel, Lesley-Ann Brandt as Maze, Kevin Alejandro as Dan, Scarlett Estevez as Trixie, Rachael Harris as Linda Martin and Aimee Garcia as Ella.
Season 5 Recurring Characters: None Officially Announced Guest Cast:
Giovanni Bejarano...Mario Canales
Nancy De Mayo...Nina
Glenn Fernandez...Danilo
David Figlioli...Les Klumpsky
Cara Koh...Madison Evans
Behind The Scenes
As we get close to the Midseason Finale S&S do remember the past seasons Midseason and Season Finales. There were never standalone. You see there is always a pattern to be followed and this will happen with 5x07 and 5x08. The two episodes 5x07 and 5x08 act both as a Finale but also as a medium to the story to move forward and for P2 to bring elements from P1.
Going back we should remember how the following episodes intertwined thus a recap is needed. 
1x12 - #TeamLucifer  & 1x13 - Take Me Back to Hell were based on three elements. One Lucifer’s vulnerability, Malcolm and the Pentecostal Coin. A bargain was made there which moved us to S2 and the introduction of Mum.
2x11 - Stewardess Interruptus, 2x12-  Love Handles and 2x13 - A Good Day to Die built up to the point of where the supernatural aspects of Lucifer’s mythos are explored with Chloe being revealed to be a Miracle while Dr Carlisle acted as a serial killer poisoning his victims and Chloe. What we also tend to forget here is that early in S2 Uriel’s threat was almost materialized as Chloe would have died if Lucifer had not gone to Hell and thus broke the balance of time and effect  Dr Carlisle had started. It is also why in that season we had to focus on Mum and the blade.
2x17 - Sympathy for the Goddess and 2x18 The Good, the Bad and the Crispy used the blade and Mum was set as yet another problem while Lucifer regained his wings. Again we needed two to three episodes if you add 2x16 - God Johnson into this, to build up the story.
In S3 3x09 - Sinnerman and 3x10 - The Sin Bin led to the Mid Season finale which foretold Marcus way of dying by a blade which Lucifer had struck. The end of S3 actually started from 3x19 and was led to the very end but again episodes 3x23 - Quintessential Deckerstar and 3x24 - A Devil of my Word delivered the conclusion of S3 and led to the issues of S4.
Now S4 actually help us structure S5. There were Kinley and the vial, in 4x04 - All About Eve we get Eve and the conclusion happens between the episodes 4x09 - Save Lucifer and 4x10 - Who’s Da New King of Hell. Also, certain episodes were connected like 4x06 - Orgy Pants To Work and 4x07 - Devil Is As Devil Does where Julian becomes the connection between the story as it involves
With all the above in mind, we see what the writers like to use but also how they pace their seasons and what is included.
In S5 up to 5x10 you will see this as far as I understand.
First 5x01 will set in motion an issue that needs to be resolved so Lucifer ascends but a new factor is introduced and that way the episode will end with a question of how things will move from there while the promise of Lucifer staying on Earth will not be that clear.
In 5x02 we get the realization that something is amiss and that action needs to be taken but that connects us to 5x03 so 5x02 and 5x03 connect through the lingering issue from 5x01, Lucifer’s desire to stay on earth or perhaps the insistence of others to keep him away from Hell. Hell you see is like a drug and it acts slowly so at some point we will get a cold turkey Lucifer in 5x02 with 5x03 acting as his re-introduction to society and his old life.
Amidst all that we get the consequence of Lucifer’s actions probably from 5x01 which I suspect will affect Dan and a more permanent solution will be sought which leads us to 5x04. 5x04 offers us a lot of answers but also questions and that is why it is tied so well with 5x05. Lucifer is not the same nothing is but a solution has been found as maintenance does not fix a hole in a sinking ship.
Along with all the above, we also have Deckerstar and revelations which are bound to be set in these episodes and which will lead to the rocky episode of 5x06. Fear not though as 5x06 opens the door to the last two episodes of P1. In these two episodes actions will be made that will turn the tables first to how our characters act but also what they expect from the future. It is also where we will understand why in 5x04 the title was “It never ends well for the Chicken”.
Divine solutions do not come without collateral and thus a sacrifice will be made yet to what extent and what that will mean for our leads it remains to be seen as we only have scattered pieces which hint that Chloe will take the blow but not in the conventional sense the fandom loves to lament over. Chloe dying is overplayed and in my opinion to fan fiction like to be put forward in the mid-season finale. No here we are talking about more revelations on Lucifer’s past but also Chloe’s which may date back to the Pre-Fall era.
So let’s try to go through 5x07 episode first as we connect it lightly to 5x08.
First of all, we know that we have a Serial Killer played by David Figlioli* in these two episodes so I would expect to see a plot similar to Dr Carlisle’s. That means that in one of the two episodes either the effect of the character will set in motion an unavoidable plot that will affect all the leads pr that past actions are bound to fade the immediate future.
*If you do not want to know who that is please do not look him up and think twice before spoiling that element to people who do not like spoilers or like the procedural subplot of the series. I do not add his bts here for that reason. 
Now our Serial Killer has been described as “Nerdy and Creepy” which fits the description from the locations they were used. 
At this point please remember that we usually LOVE to speculate only on Lucifer and Chloe but in reality their story is supported and the plot moves forward through the events on every single character’s life. So certain points might be considered from all angles meaning from every character’s point of view on 5x07 and 5x08. That is practically impossible as we have no idea what has happened to most of them during S5P1, we can only guess so let’s see.
Dan - We expect him to have a health issue that ties him to Lucifer for the most part of the season. As we have said Dan’s arc is very similar to Charlotte’s and also after 5x08 the bracelet disappears but that’s for the S&S of 5x08. So notice that Kevin Alejandro did not appear in the bts of 5x07 and 5x08 while the actor had some other engagement during the shooting of 5x07 and he directed 5x08. Of course, bts are not reliable on how much screen time a character has but is nonetheless suspicious. 
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Amenadiel - It seems that Amenadiel according to his garments has decided run LUX early in S5 but in some bts there were some hints of boxing yet I cannot tie them to an episode so I’m just mentioning that here. We also know from the photos at Linda’s fridge is you look closely that he has a calm domestic life but here is the twist we do not know if he is romantically involved with Linda or if in S5 the usual working pair Maze and Amenadiel move from where they left things in S1-S2. Whatever happens, what we know is that Amenadiel is deeply involved in this seasons plot so keep an eye on him.
Maze - You have seen her in different clothes and it does not seem like she has left her demonic character attitudes and choice of wardrobe behind in S5. On the contrary, her relationship with humans like Ella and Linda seem to now be better and I do not think she will be bitter towards Lucifer although who knows, as he left her when he went back to Hell. In short, she seems to be coping well but there are a lot of fights which I’m not sure whether she acts out in S5 towards Lucifer and Amenadiel or tries to fend off whatever attacks them. Do not go to oh the demons have ascended scenario just yet…
Linda - Linda seems to be in a very good place we know she has her son, Charlie is growing and all the baby proof wrapper is still on so you never know when wings or powers might come forward in her life. We do know that she continues to have a close relationship with Chloe and Maze and also an amicable one with Amenadiel. Finally, we know that she resumes her sessions with Lucifer.
Charlie - Charlie is a bit of an enigma and he may be one of the contributing factors of these two episodes. For all, we know the kid finally gets some powers and do expect him to surprise you.
Ella - You just don’t know with this character as all of Aimee’s bts are vague at best yet I do not believe she has found out yet about Lucifer but P2 might be her time to do so. She does not seem to occupy much of S5’s plot but I would keep an eye on her on the second part of the season and especially on 5x10.
Trixie - Trixie’s role is doubtful to be elevated to something more in this part but she has some great moments with Lucifer. At the moment I cannot really speculate about her as whatever happens in the stages rarely gets out so we have very few appearances of Scarlet at the lot…
Lucifer - Lucifer seems to be getting a bit different, you see a different side of him one that the perhaps wanted to forget as his past comes knocking throughout the season. His evolution through the series is interesting but the supernatural elements worrisome. Again the fact alone he is willing to help Dan says a lot.
Chloe - As you saw I was very brief with Lucifer as I wanted to focus a bit more on Chloe. Aside from her relationship to Lucifer in S5 we get to see that every person has two sides even if for some they were unaware it existed. That’s not a good and bad side kind scenario but I’m talking more about Chloe being more than a miracle. Before you speculate and ask I would just say that her being a Miracle is not where S5 will step on so look for clues while you watch because all lead to 5x08. I may be right I may be wrong but I’ll spend some more time explaining this in the S&S of 5x08.
So let’s start with 5x07’s case. It’s the easy way to figure out what is going on or at least put in order the scenes. Here we have two plots and we do not know if the Serial Killer’s victim/s is the case of the week. We do know that the Serial Killer, for the most part, was in the lot so I do not think he was on location much. The reason for this is because we have two locations at the backlot where 5x07 was mainly shot.
The first one is a flower shop which if I can guess is connected to the Serial Killer perhaps. He might be this kind of peaceful guys who run a flower shop and who you would never suspect on killing people in their free time. It adds up a bit but I cannot be sure.
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The second one is a house that was used as a crime scene location. In the heart of the WB lot they setup a house that exhibited a lot of wealth and eclectic taste. It’s only normal as this case is also connected to an opera?** performer or at least someone who is seen to be performing at the Los Angeles Theater a wonderful old Cinema and grand landmark in DTLA.
**We cannot know for sure of the genre he performs but the taste of his house shows he is into classical pieces so... 
(See the BTS video there I always include bts that I have not posted before and are all Lucifer related)
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^The police car and the coronary’s car outside the lot house location. 
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First, we need to remember that during a quick ext the cast and crew had to do from the Stages there was also an actress that played a human body. She wore a lot of grey and blue makeup and we can assume she was part of this story. I cannot tell if in 5x07 a body of that kind will make it to our screens but a cemetery will.
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The cemetery most probably is though related to the season’s supernatural plot. They filmed at the Rosedale cemetery with several stunts and from the videos you can see that Lesley Ann had a lot of action scenes in this episode. At the same time, DB had twitted to have a lot of scenes with her in that episode. According to what DB revealed the two characters are working together. I would predict that this has to do with whatever Amenadiel is searching for since 5x05.
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^In general D.B. has been thrilled with the final season and that pleases me a lot! 
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The Rosedale cemetery has several wonderful tombs and crypts which some of them could be used to a similar theme that was used early in the season. Confusing I know but let’s say that in P1 it seems like they are trying to find something, an object perhaps and I wouldn't be surprised if it was either hidden in a cemetery or simply that the object that they are looking for is connected to the serial killer somehow… I mean remember Azrael’s blade… I doubt they will use the same scenario but the divine influence on mortals never ends well.
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Now the second location which I mentioned before is the Los Angeles Theater. I do not know if Ellis and German were also in the cemetery but they will be at the Theater along with the opera? singer. There is also some stunts involved so I would keep an eye on someone escaping or at least putting a fight. For all we know this case might also be a bit similar to 3x17 one with Axara.
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^The stand-ins taking notes for the scene
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^We expect some to happen to that grand staircase oh and there were again a lot of stunts there so :D 
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As you can tell the majority of 5x07 as an episode eludes us and there are bts we cannot really explain but we can only speculate about.
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For example why Lucifer wears a budge and has a gun? Why now? Is he threatened or Chloe has decided that enough is enough. Perhaps even in order to not endanger her Lucifer might have taken her badge and gun. The possibilities are so many yet a definite answer cannot be given. If we take into account that the title is Our Mojo it can be a million different things. Like the opera? singer has the same captivating effect as Lucifer’s mojo for some reason but not a divine gift. It might have to do something with Charlie or it can be taken completely out of context. All we know is that Lucifer has to be armed so I would speculate this.
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I admit I was not the one to notice that but my dear Amy was :P I just did the visuals a bit clearer. 
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Let’s assume that Lucifer’s connection to Dan is weakened him and it goes both ways hence why we do not see Dan as much in 5x07 and a permanent solution becomes more urgent. His strength, mojo and overall his capacity to protect himself. Or perhaps he has to pose as Dan but that wouldn’t explain the protection of authority and a gun full of bullets. So we know things are dangerous when Chloe? caves in and hands Lucifer a gun to protect himself or if Lucifer has decided that in order to keep himself safe he has to play with human toys.
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What we also cannot totally explain is the green screen *around* the penthouse. After discussing this with some friends we have agreed that it should be a large scale event or something. We do not know when or if Lucifer and Chloe get intimate, if that’s why that green screen is there or if there is a divine consequence that has to be shown through VFX. All we know is that there is something big coming. The last time they had used such a big screen well it was smaller actually was for the Fall nightmare scene of 3x15.
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Additional Info
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The stunts were rehearsing a fight at the stages but that’s normal for when they have to perform on location. 
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Something seems to happen at the precinct and mainly in episode 5x08. Something like a fight 
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^Naughty Woman? Perhaps I’m wrong...
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The director posted this as a lucifer bts but here is the thing little Charlie as far as the babies used go cannot operate that but with CGI everything is possible. Also, the babies used were shooting for a different show at that time. 
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soylazaro · 2 years ago
Adidas from Manu Aguer on Vimeo.
Directed by Supernova
Football is a team sport and so is social change. Adidas Football is teaming up with @CommonGoalOrg, pledging 1% of global net sales from Footballs to Common Goal from now until 2023, from fighting racism and discrimination, empowering gender equality, fostering mental well-being and promoting LGBTQ+ inclusion, Adidas is aiming to use the power of Football to positively impact 90,000 lives and move communities forward. Adidas Football (@adidasfootball) x Common Goal (@commongoalorg) Agency: NewCycle (@newcycle)
Directed by Matias Petric (@matiaspetric)
Produced by Pantera & Company
EP: Manu Aguer (@manuaguer)
Producer: Tito Ortiz Basualdo (@titoortizbasualdo)
DP: Pablo Bernst (@pbernst)
PHs: Victoria Del Sel & Mica Iribarren (@micaela13.3) (@victoriadelsel)
Art director; Carmen Rivoira (@carmen.rivoira)
Stylist: Greta Ure (@gretaure) & Ana Rivoira (@anarivoira)
Location Manager; Indio Gilardi (@indiogilardi)
AD: Guillermo Gómez Aparicio
Set Designer: Ursula Benavidez (@ursulabenavidez)
Art Assistant: Rodrigo Meiriño
Stylist Assist: Ana Rivoira y Flor Batalla
Focus puller: Jonas Costa (@indiamaga)
2nd Camera Assist: Maxi Villavedra
Video Assist: Jennifer Tyntenfisz
DIT: Mariano Polleri
Gaffer: Agustin Rocca
Electrician: Martin Stoeff
Key Grip: Pablo Bejarano
Grip: Maxi Tolosa
Movi Op: Juan Lima (@juansteadi)
Prop Manager: Ariel Mondello
Prop Assist: Agustín Remo Mincone
Production Manager: Mariela Micale
PA: Gonzalo Canepa y Lucas Morlan Editor: Regina Ceii (@reginaceii)
Grading; Nadia Khairat (@nadia.khairat)
SD: Triple Frontera (@triple.frontera )
V.O: Will Berman (@meshkimono )
DG: Martu Llambi @bamvi________
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elcrackonline · 2 years ago
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#ClasicoBoliviano | #ElLibertador tiene todo listo para el CLÁSICO BOLIVIANO🇧🇴 Posible alineación: Cordano; Haquin, Martins y Sagredo; Bejarano, Villamil, Justiniano, Villamil y Uzeda; Tonino, Rodríguez y Da Costa. @clubstrongest vs @clubbolivaroficial #FutbolBoliviano #ElCrack https://www.instagram.com/p/CjmJOjHoNUA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tonimining · 3 years ago
PARAISO - SADAELS from Hernan Corera on Vimeo.
✺ ♞ ✺ PARAISO ✺ ♞ ✺
Directed by: Hernan Corera
Created by: Hernán Corera, Martín Holzman & Juan Daels Written by: Hernán Corera & Martín Holzman
Produced by Mamá Hungara, Argentina Cine,  Stink & JVVENAL
Cast: Sunrise Singer: Vida Uniqua Spinetta Sunset Singer: Virginia Correa Dupuy Mercy Team, Legendary Malambo Dancer: Fabian Serna Mercy Team #1: Rosalba Menna Mercy Team #2: Ornella Karen Noelia Hermida Mercy Team #3: Josefina Seoane Mercy Team #4: Lourdes Nair Gaurisse Vignera Severity Team Pythoness: Analia Pisano Severity Team #1: Ailin Sofia Barsanti Severity Team #2: Luna Gonella Severity Team #3: Victoria Vexina Severity Team #4: Isabella Ferri Soria Laud: Igor Herzog Gambling Girl: Irune Porcel Laburu Referee: Roberto Paredes Priest: Waymallen Kalen Card collector: David Duarte  Accountant: Juan Manuel Damperat
Spectators: Camila Lamaro - Justo Benitez - Federico Solimando - Jordan Lescano - Mateo Balgane - Ana Mendoza - Juan Manuel Damperat - Matias Hernan Caseros - Nahil Gelené - Carlos Sallete - Saul Garderes
Executive producers Juan Saravia Luca Macome Hernán Corera Belisario Saravia   Cinematographer Luciano Badaracco Edited by  Manuel Dondas
Production Designer Valentina Luppino Costume Designer Juan Daels Fashion Image and Concept Designer Joaquín Diaz & Josefina Roveta Stylist Joaquín Diaz & Josefina Roveta  Costume assist  Alberto Romano Gil Costume assist  Agustina Arful  Malambo costume design by Nilda Beatriz Aguiar Hair & Makeup Yamo Zarlenga for Niche Studio Hair & Make up team Mora Burset Hair & Make up team Abril Fumo
Music Director: Daniel Schnock Music: YYYY, Virginia Correa Dupuy, Igor Herzog & Vida Uniqua Spinetta
Color Correction Alejandra Lescano Graphic Design Los Caballos Card Design Maximiliano Manso y Mariano Calvo VFX Prosthetics Marcos Berta Casting CRUDO Post-Production Coordinator Aldo Ferrari
Sound Design and Mix BAMBA Sound Engineer: Matías Yúdica Bartels Foley: Diego Marcone Producer Bamba: Tomás Becú & Juan Manuel Marín Fraga
"Pueblo de Orfalese" by YYYY  Composed by M. Yaya & P. Yaya Eerie Records
"En la vida siguiente"  by YYYY  Composed by M. Yaya & P. Yaya Eerie Records
"Lo que hay detrás del miedo" by YYYY  Composed by M. Yaya & P. Yaya Eerie Records
"En que nos parecemos" Composed by María Elena Walsh interpretada por Virginia Correa Dupuy & Vida Spinetta
AD: Florencia Poggi 2nd AD Barbara Terasani Set Decorator Carmen Rivoira Production Manager Esteban Budassi Production Assistant Franco Charnas Production Assistant Santiago Perusin Propmaster Emanuel Fernandez Propmaster assist. Fabián Santiago Enríquez Focus puller Sofia Sarasola 2nd Camera assist. Francis Farrell Video Assist Florencia Scosceria Gaffer Julian Badino Electrician Martin Poleri Electrician Leandro Rocha Electrician Hector Abel Villalva  Key grip Pablo Bejarano Grip  Maximiliano Tolosa  Sound Juan Luis Bianchi 
Press: Malena Souto Arena Photos Johanna Ekonen Translator Emma Reardon
Animal Wrangler Fabricio Salvador Elissetche  Security  Emanuel Enresto Dominguez
Catering Alexis Damian Cabilla Catering Daniela Dalto Santillan Catering Maria Eugenia Rodriguez Catering Martin Andrade  Catering Mauro Aboy 
Rental AJAF Seguros ART Risk Media Alq. Varios de producción Produtech
Hotel Baló Yamay Ecoturismo
Trucks Pimba Production Nicolás Vicchio Production Cristian Rossi  Bus TRASLADA
Con el Apoyo de la municipalidad de LAS FLORES "Generando un nuevo polo de servicios audiovisuales"
Special Thanks to:
Secretaría de Cultura de Las Flores and staff - Secretaría de Desarrollo Productivo y Sustentable and staff - Delegación de Pardo - Capilla Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro - Club de Football Social y Recreativo Unión Deportiva Pardo - Asociación de Bomberos Voluntarios Las Flores 
Bar vieja estación - Alfredo Ariel Valiante  - Mario Harrison – Lisandro  Paggi - Emilia Acosta - Camila Lamaro- - Julieta Spina - Dante Spinetta - María José Carnero - Pablo Bernst - - Nahil Gelené  - Facundo Saravia
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kwebtv · 5 years ago
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100 Code  -  Sky Krimi / Sky Atlantic / WGN  -  May 14, 2015 - July 30, 2015
Crime Drama (12 episodes)
Running Time:  60 minutes
Dominic Monaghan as Tommy Conley
Michael Nyqvist as Mikael Eklund
Felice Jankell as Hanna Eklund
Charlotta Jonsson as Karin Hammar
Danilo Bejarano as Björn Johnsson
Kristoffer Berglund as Phille
Peter Eggers as Göran
Hedda Stiernstedt as Josephine
Roisin Murphy as Maggie
Martin Wallström as Tomas
Christian Svensson as Andrej
Patrick Brennan as The Dentist
Magnus Krepper as Henrik Renberg
Johanna Hedberg as Sandra Olsson
Aliette Opheim as Asha
Anna Åström as Frida
Joe Pacheco as Frank Scarpetta
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juarezesdeporte · 5 years ago
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Monterrey, NL. -  Los Dorados del Estado de Chihuahua finalizaron campaña en la Liga Nacional de Baloncesto Profesional (LNBP), tras caer 70-77 en el Juego 4 de semifinales ante Fuerza Regia.
 En lo que fue un regreso lúcido al circuito profesional, Dorados de la mano del entrenador Gustavo Pacheco, alcanzó la ronda de playoffs con un nuevo plantel, el cual finalizó en segundo puesto de la Zona Este, además de ostentar la mejor defensiva del campeonato.
 Ya instalados en semifinales, el rival en turno el campeón Fuerza Regia venció en cuatro cotejos al representativo chihuahuense, concluyendo serie en el Gimnasio Nuevo León Independiente.
 El recinto también denominado como “La Fortaleza”, brindó un duelo sin mañana para Dorados, los cuales salieron a la duela con la determinación de extender el camino en playoffs.
Durante el primer cuarto, los locales marcaron ocho puntos sin respuesta, hasta que Isaiah Wilkerson colocó en el tanteador a la quinteta del estado grande.  Por su parte, Coron Williams concretando par de triples acercó a Dorados, en un periodo en el que Fuerza Regia lideró por 17-14.
 En el segundo lapso, Carlos Pérez saliendo desde la banca marcó cinco unidades, aunado a un disparo desde el perímetro de Jesús González. Con 20 tantos por equipo, los regiomontanos se fueron al descanso con la ventaja 37-34.
 Después del medio tiempo, el conjunto campeón regresó certero encestando cuatro triples consecutivos, tres cortesía de David Huertas, a lo que Chihuahua contestó por la misma vía con par de canastas a la distancia de Jaron Martin. De cara al último cuarto Fuerza Regia siguió al frente por 62 a 53.
 En los 10 minutos finales, Dorados apretó el encuentro colocándose a cuatro puntos, sin embargo, Javier Mojica y Daniel Bejarano colocaron los cartones por doble dígito. Martin de nueva cuenta acercó al equipo chihuahuense, que nunca dejó de luchar.
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Restando 23 segundos, Wilkerson fue enviado a la línea de tiros libres, fallando el segundo intento, acto seguido un contragolpe de Fuerza Regia sentenció el partido y la serie para los defensores del título con marcador final de 77-70.
Jaron Martin terminó como el mejor anotador de Dorados con 17 unidades, Isaiah Wilkerson marcó 15 tantos, Coron Williams sumó 10 puntos y Jarred Shaw encestó 8 además de bajar 6 rebotes.
Por los locales, su capitán David Huertas totalizó 19 tantos, Jordan Glynn aportó 14, Javier Mojica registró 13 puntos y Oderah Anosike terminó con 11 unidades y 9 rebotes.
“Fuerza Regia es un gran equipo, sabemos que ahorita está jugando su mejor nivel, nos queda ese mal sabor de boca de no haber podido ganar un partido en la postemporada”, aseveró el entrenador Gustavo Pacheco.
Asimismo, agregó: “Podemos hablar de una buena o una gran temporada regular, pero no pudimos culminar el trabajo en la postemporada”.
Finalmente, el estratega dorado indicó que en la próxima campaña “se intentará mejorar y prepararse mucho mejor para seguir brindando satisfacciones a la afición”.
(Prensa Dorados)
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obplayhouse-blog · 6 years ago
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May 24th - June 16th, 2019 Book by Hugh Wheeler Music and Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim Direction by: Manny Bejarano Musical Direction by: Will Ah Sing
Attend the dark, witty, and Tony Award-winning tale of love, murder and revenge set against the backdrop of 19th century London. Sweeney Todd, an unjustly exiled barber, returns to London seeking vengeance against the lecherous Judge Turpin who framed him and took his young wife. The road to revenge leads Todd to Mrs. Lovett, the resourceful proprietress of a failing pie shop, above which he opens a new barber practice. Mrs. Lovett’s luck sharply shifts when Todd’s thirst for revenge inspires a new ingredient for her meat pies that has the people of London lining up . . . and the carnage has only just begun! This chilling masterpiece is sure to thrill and delight audiences.
"There is more artistic energy, creative personality, and plain excitement than in a dozen average musicals. ...Mr. Sondheim has composed an endlessly inventive, highly expressive score that works indivisibly from his brilliant and abrasive lyrics." – The New York Times
“Sweeney Todd is here to enrich your nightmares” -New York Daily News
OB Playhouse brings this deliciously dark tale to life on its intimate stage under the masterful direction of Manny Bejarano and musical direction of Will Ah Sing, with a cast of local theatre favorites:
Sweeney Todd.....Mike Martin Mrs. Lovett - Jennie Gray Connard Judge Turpin - Michael Van Allen Anthony - William BJ Robinson Johanna - Evelyn Sparks Tobias - SeeJay Lewis Pirelli - Vander Turner The Beadle - Ferril Cole Beggar Woman - Amanda Blair Jonas Fogg - Dani Leandra
You read that right. This ensemble cast of 10 brings the monumental tale of Sweeney to life in a manner like no other.
May 24th- June 16th, 2019 05/24/19-06/16/19 Thursdays @8pm & Sundays @3pm​
General Admission: $28 VIP front row table: $42 Fridays & Saturdays @8pm General Admission: $32 VIP front row table: $46 Buy-One-Get-One-Free Tickets on Thursdays with code “2for1” Save $8 on Sundays with code “SundayFunday”
Lobby opens one hour before showtime. Seating is first-come, first-served. No seating for late arrivals 15 minutes after showtime.
Event Site: https://www.obtheatrecompany.com/sweeney-todd.html
Ticketing Site: https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?show=97926
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/330536360919283/
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proautomxl-blog · 8 years ago
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Zuñiga Nena
এলি মেংডোজ়া
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